Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The First Ever Indian Browser "Epic"

A Bangalore-based Indian software start-up company Hidden Reflex released its first web browser “Epic” from India. Epic browser is based on open-source Mozilla Firefox platform. Epic has filled with several applications and features, which are specially focused on Indians. The target of this browser is to provide a position to India in the world so Indians can feel proud. It is the first completely India made web browser and aim is to give attention on Indian users. The company, Hidden Reflex was founded by the Alok Bhardwas, a US based engineer, in 2007.
Epic is developed by a team of Indian engineers. Epic comes with a unique feature, which is different from the other browsers that it has an inbuilt protection of antivirus. This antivirus and antispyware is powered by ESET. The browser also provides a sidebar with a number of previously installed widgets such as maps, news, skins, jobs, yahoo, gmail, twitter, facebook, orkut, games and many more. Epic developers claims for faster browsing and downloads. Epic gives maximum privacy by its feature of flash cookie deletion, private data deletion. Browsing history is also not stored.
 Epic offers about 1500 applications free of cost and are included in the browser. According to the Hidden Reflex, it supports approximately 12 Indian languages like Gujarati, Hindi, Telgu, Kannada, Malayalam and Tamil. It also offers free word processor. With this browser, a user can access other websites to watch videos in another small window. It also offers over 1500 customized themes and wallpapers for users.

 The browser can be downloaded from here: Epic

Sources: http://www.epicbrowser.com/ , Techtree

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