Friday, July 1, 2011

Gmail's New Look.

Google has changed the look of its email service Gmail. The new look as the company says on its official blog is done to make the Gmail as powerful and as beautiful as possible. The specialty about this revamped Gmail interface is that it is done to match the theme and interface of the Google's new social service Google+. They have earlier changed the look of the Google Calender in the same way.
So it seems like Google is trying to achieve the very ambitious goal of ruling the web, which means that if a person logs on the web and type then all the services can be provided by the Google and  user does not have to leave the Gooogle umbrella. These services can range from search, docs, images, social networks etc.

The Gmails new look is of two types Preview” and Preview (Dense).

The themes look like:

You can activate these previews by
1. Selecting the Mail settings from the right hand extreme top corner next to your name.
2. Select the themes tab from the top bar and select any of the two new themes Preview and Preview (Dense) located at the bottom of the theme section.
or click here and select themes Themes tab in Gmail settings

Sources: Gmail Official Blog

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Google A day. What next??

It seems Google is totally determined to take on the social media and networking by fire this time. They are launching one after another killer apps and website from the last few days. Just now when I thought that google has done it all by launching Google plus what I found was a link below the Google search box which said  "Your name is Galloping Gertie. How many furlongs long are you?"

Google Homepage:

Agooleaday homepage:

This site will take you to the google search page with some question at the bottom and then you can use the google search box to fing the answer. But then there is a twist, the site claims that - "You are search the internet with A wormhole inspired time machine that enables you to solve today's puzzle spoiler free by searching the Internet as it existed before A Google a Day launched."

So what can we say Google finally doing it all to take on social network world??

Here is the link:

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Google Plus

Just heard noise on the web about the new google product Google+. people are saying its a facebook killer so I thought I will do a bit of research by myself. So I kept following the buzz,, twitter feeds, followed many famous tech blogs and read many articles and saw many videos. I must confess it is the best social product I have seen from google. The demos are very exciting which you can check out here. The videos for this product are here.

I must say having read all of the Google+ content, all of the info site and watched all of the movies (to post a story about it), I can now say I am a little miffed I don't have an invite :.This is little disappointing but as its said on google official blog its a small field trial and will be rolled out to everyone when they create a final clean product. So I am waiting for it. You can opt for trial from here.

Having said all that the best blog to read about Google plus where all the info is given is the wired article Inside Google+ by @stevenjayl

Sources: Official Google Blog, Wired, twitter and buzz feed

So what do you love??

A cool google site which combines many of the services provided by google. The end result just put a query like "India" and find out yourself where  you can get videos, news, 3D maps of places, popularity charts of the topic, products services, pictures, patent info and many other interesting and fun stuff.

So go on it and explore.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Picture Of the year in Wikipedia

People voted this year to find the picture of the year for 2010 from Wikimedia (a site) which is used to store pictures for Wikipedia.
Some of them are really nice and a must see!!

Number 1 is:

Number 2:

And my fav:

the full winner list is here: wikimedia

via: Holy Kaw!! Alltop , wikimedia

Sunday, June 26, 2011

State of social media in 2011

Check out this video to come up to speed with the current state of social media. The creator is Erik Qualman of Socialnomics.

via State of social media in 2011 - Holy Kaw!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Help Bring Back the Alien-Hunting SETI Telescopes

The world’s only telescopes devoted to searching for aliens went dark two months ago because of a lack of funds. Now you can help bring them back.
This morning, SETI launched a website called SETIstars to try to gather funds to resurrect the Allen Telescope Array (ATA), which some astronomers call our greatest hope for finding ET.

Monday, June 20, 2011

World's Fastest Computer!

World fastest computer is has been built in Japan and is named as K-computer..
An eight-petaflop Japanese supercomputer has grabbed the title of fastest computer on earth in the new Top 500 Supercomputing List to be officially unveiled at the International Supercomputing Conference in Hamburg today.

 Read More here!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Not Just Another New Year.

Hey folks hi,
Happy new year to all and most importantly to myself.After 3 years I think, celebrated the transition from 2010 to 2011 like a normal person. This year 2011 will hold a very important milestone in my life . This year I will finally become an Engineer, the dream that lots and lots of young minds of India have and I am no exception to the popular saying among students "Engineering ka Kida". The journey so far has been to say least,  BUMPY and here bumpy really means bumpy. From school to high school to finally the college, I think I have spend more time with books and studies than anything else, but now when I reflect back, I can say I am happy; if not satisfied of what I have done. This very difference between happy and satisfied is what keeps me going on in my life.
In particular these four years of engineering have been quite eventful, from 1 semester ragging to 7th semester exams and placements activity. I have grown up into a person which even by my standards is a big change, so as all my fellow classmates (I hope so). I am so lucky to have these wonderful people around me, and once I leave this college I'll surely miss them. But still there is 1 whole semester to go, no need to get too nostalgic right now. But I cant resist the temptation of putting my views about the placement thing going in my college. Its actually fun to see how my mates are serious about the jobs they will get. It's like its the only thing that's gonna be counted  to check if you have studied or have truly become an engineer. Even I want a job, but whether I want it now or later, is something I am still confused about. 1 thing I am sure about is, to study further, to study whole my life because the sense of achievement which I get when I solve some problem or get to know some new concept is just what can I say seducing and gives me a high. I just love studying interesting things.
Guys I just wanted to wish new year and say that just follow your dreams, just go that extra mile to achieve what you aspire because at least you will have some sense of achievement. As its said some where "shoot for the moon, then even if you fall, you will fall among the stars". Guys just dream big and believe in what you wanna do. Be stubborn , be impatient and be hungry, never ever be  content though. Years will come years will go, people will come people will go, jobs come they will also go :) , but what will remain with you whole of your life is your dream and your knowledge.
Keep dreaming guys and keep studying.

As Robert Frost said in his poem- stopping by the woods :-->

"The woods are lovely, dark and deep, 
But I have promises to keep, 
And miles to go before I sleep, 
And miles to go before I sleep."