Friday, August 6, 2010

Google Wave to meet its end!!

 Google's highly published product Google Wave which was called as the "Successor of e-mail' will be pulled out as decided by Google. What was positioned as web-based software that could transform Internet communications is officially dead. Yes, Google has pulled the plug on Google Wave.
Google Wave blended e-mail, instant messages, blogs, wikis and other collaboration tools in a web-based application that aimed to allow people to communicate and work together with richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps and more.
Launched with plenty of fanfare at the Google I/O conference in May 2009, Google called the HTML5 app a successor to e-mail and instant messaging, a reinvention of these tools that took a fresh look at what people need in communication and collaboration online. Now Google is waving goodbye to these aspirations.

Catch the whole story at: Yahoo News

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